How how do you define this? Is it true that to be strong you have to push so hard and always be on your game or is it possible if you could still yourself you may find all the strength you need. I think we come to understand this thought process when we let ourselves quiet our minds and let go of all the beliefs that are instilled in us to keep moving forward at such a fast pace. Success should never be measured by how fast you get there or how much you own. All of the tangible things in life are not always what they seem to be. When we choose to use our imagination, heartfelt inspiration and dig a little deeper we can create a life that is very rich and full.
To really have true strength you must find a self love and cherish who you really are. The power of your life flows through your breath and nourishes your very being. Rid yourself of negative thoughts and feelings which can destroy your spirit but also your physical body. Cherish your body by feeding your soul with uplifting and positive thinking. We are not in a race or competition with anyone, you will reach where you need to be when you are ready. Be passionate about your days and find joy in each one of them. Don’t try to map out your complete Journey just be on it. The ebb and flow of it all soothe you and relinquish good mentality of always having to be in control. I believe if we could do this we can find the strength and Stillness and be at peace with both. Namaste, Debbie
Looking to truly change your lifestyle? Be stronger, feel younger, live your life feeling good all the time? Feeling good is ageless. If you want to learn more about how that can be possible in your life, reach out to Feel Good Yoga Girl, contact Debbie. Integrating yoga, eating healthy, meditation, stress management, strength training in Charlotte, Matthews, Pineville, Rock Hill and Fort Mills. Helping the Carolinas feel good everyday with one-on-one and group sessions.