Let’s have a conversation, but not with anyone but ourselves. Do you listen to the voice inside of you? Some call this gut instinct. Sometimes we go over and over things in our head and our thoughts change rapidly. We forget that we need to process and look at all sides of all situations before we react and act upon them. In yoga we sometimes call this monkey mind, when you just can’t still your thoughts and be peaceful. Learning how to breathe and meditate and become still changes the very Dynamics of your inner voice. We all need to take the time to wind down and find that peaceful space where we can have clarity and joyful thoughts. Learning to rid ourselves of negative self-talk and feelings that bring us down. When we accomplish the positive in our voice we also become healthier mind, body and spirit.
When I first began my practice 16 years ago I had a hard time being still on my mat and in my mind. But through my Stillness I was able to tap into all the things I truly need. Is this difficult to do all the time, it can be. That’s why this is called a practice and the more you let yourself become still and meditative the more your inner voice serves you the peace and joy that we all want to find in life. If you have never tried yoga or meditation it may serve you so much that it will become a daily practice for you. When you start be open to the newness of it and learn proper alignment and breathing. Remember you are on a journey and all journeys are different from day-to-day. Respect the process and your body and let yourself absorb and let go. Remembering that this process is a work in instead of a workout. Be true to your inner voice and love yourself and respect your body, mind and spirit. Namaste my friends, Debbie, Feel Good Yoga Girl
Looking to truly change your lifestyle? Be stronger, feel younger, live your life feeling good all the time? Feeling good is ageless. If you want to learn more about how that can be possible in your life, reach out to Feel Good Yoga Girl, contact Debbie. Integrating yoga, eating healthy, meditation, stress management, strength training in Charlotte, Matthews, Pineville, Rock Hill and Fort Mills. Helping the Carolinas feel good everyday with one-on-one and group sessions.
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